深圳市哈普思科技有限公司成立于2013年,是一家专注于Amazon销售平台,致力于北美及欧洲消费市场和产品研发创新于一体的国际化跨境电商企业。通过技术与设计创新赋能上游供应端,构建了从供应端 - 销售端 - 用户端的精细化运营与服务的跨境电商生态圈。产品品类涵盖数十个领域,涉及家居、户外、工具美妆、玩具、节日装饰、个护清洁等上万种商品,业务渠道覆盖欧美多个主经济体国家,同时搭建了完善的本地仓、海外仓、FBA仓等跨境仓储物流体系。
Founded in 2013, Shenzhen Hapurs Technology Co., Ltd. is an international e-commerce enterprise focusing on Amazon sales and committed to product research and development. Its technology and design innovation has enpowered the upstream supply chain and built a cross-border e-commerce ecosystem of refined operation and service from the supply chain to distribution and to end users. The product portfolio covers a large variety of fields in connection with tens of thousands of commodities. The internationally established inventory fulfillment centers and logistics system supports its global business growth with a main presence in the North American and European market.